Overcoming Interview Anxiety

Overcoming Interview Anxiety

If the prospect of your next interview makes you sweat, you are in good company. Interviews can play on our insecurities, but it's very possible to overcome these with preparation and a positive mindset. Over a long career in Human Resources, I'm able to identify...

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Finding Focus: Navigating My Own Career Transition Part II

Finding Focus: Navigating My Own Career Transition Part II

In 2016, my husband bought me my first Nikon DSLR camera. I had been taking pictures on my phone, feeling excited about the images I captured. As I carefully unwrapped each of the parts of the kit from the camera box, I thought, "This is too technical for me. I can't...

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Navigating My Own Career Transition: Part I

Navigating My Own Career Transition: Part I

It's January 2022. I just left my job as a Vice President, Human Resources to pursue a dream of self-employment - my own career coaching business. That's right, I am part of the Great Resignation. It's a new beginning, with all the promise that new beginnings hold. It...

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On Paradox

On Paradox

par·a·dox a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition that when investigated or explained may prove to be well founded or true. If there is one word that defines new awareness in my forties, it is paradox. The fundamental notion that ideas we...

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On Paradox

par·a·dox a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition that when investigated or explained may prove to be well founded or true. If there is one word that defines new awareness in my forties, it is paradox. The fundamental notion that ideas we...

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